I was pondering about the movies that I have seen so far but somehow I never remembered "Stoker" until this evening. Suddenly something that I don't know made me remember Mia Washkiowska then some of the nerves in my brain made a undirect connection to Stoker, a movie that you probably may call "cold".
Cold may be the world which describes the ambiance of the movie but for the ones who are familiar with Chan-wook Park's style, there's a lot more. Yeah, I said Chan-Wook Park. We can consider Stoker as his first Hollywood movie but most of us know him from "Ouldeuboi".
As a South-Korean, Park seems rapidly atrached with Hollywood and emerged his own style with it. His artistic scenes embraces with shocking details and symbols. His artistic scenes get alive with high-level performances of Mia Washikowska, Nicole Kidman and Matthew Goode.
The fiction is simple. A tennage girl called India (Mia Washikowska) lives with her mother, Evelyn Stoker (Nicole Kidman). Her father is dead and she has an uncle that she just knows from photograps 'cause he is travelleing the world- yet they think that he does.-
The day that India turns thirteen, the door knocks and her unknown uncle comes to their home to bring her the news, her reality.
I am not going to tell so much about the rest to not geveing spoilers but I can clearly say that the most enchanting part of the movie is not the scenario but how Parks realized it. - of course the performance of actors are also counted-
A bizarre and charming thriller. Yummy!
The colors, performances, symbols, the relation between the family members make the movie woth to watch. It is highly reccomended by me, Su Tunç !
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